
Queen of Zinnias!

Queen lime with blush zinnias

Zinnias are beautiful flowers that come in a wide variety of colors. They bloom throughout the summer and into fall, making them a wonderful choice for gardens with longer growing seasons.

Zinnias are natives of Mexico, where they have been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. The first recorded reference to zinnias dates back to 1576 when a Spanish missionary observed the Aztecs using flowers in their rituals. Zinnia seeds arrived in Europe around 1579 and soon after attracted the attention of European gardeners who grew them in their gardens. Today, zinnias are grown all over the world—in temperate regions such as North America, Europe and Asia.

First things first: plant them in full sun (six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day). The soil should be well-drained, too—zinnias don’t like soggy ground at all! Make sure there’s good drainage by adding plenty of organic matter (like compost) before planting your seedlings or seeds.

Plant groups of three or more seeds with their stems touching each other; you’ll get more blooms this way!

And finally… where should we place our zinnias? We have some options: spring and fall are both great times for growing this lovely flower!

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